


术语 定义
学术顾问 学术顾问帮助学生确定和实现他们的学术和职业目标. 所有攻读学位的本科生都被分配给一名学术顾问. 一旦学术部门为即将入学的学生分配了一名学术顾问, 然后学生应该联系指导老师安排一次咨询预约. 未申报的学生和新生将被指派一名学术成就中心(AAC)的顾问。. 双学位专业将有两名指导老师,并要求与这两名指导老师见面. 学生必须在每学期注册之前与他们的学术顾问见面. 在这次咨询会后, 指导老师将解除指导老师的限制,学生可以注册课程.
学术事务 教务处负责学院的所有学术项目和服务. 他们协调新学位课程的规划, 聘用和评估教师, 确保一个有效的学习环境.
学术项目 学习计划, 通常涉及理论知识和研究, 通常会拿到文凭, 证书, 联系起来的, 学士, 硕士、博士或第一个专业学位.
招生 录取的:一旦达到入学要求就被某一机构、学院或项目录取的. 有些录取受到可用名额和选择标准的限制.
大学先修课程(AP) 在高中教授大学水平的课程. Students may take an examination at the completion of the course; acceptable scores allow students to earn college credit. BSU将接受3分或更高的AP课程成绩.
应用程序 这是通知ladbrokes立博中文版你想成为该校学生的正式方式. Students are encouraged to use the online transfer application found on the web site for the Office of 招生 or 转移 Central.
应用程度 应用学科的学位,如联合健康和计算机信息系统. 应用学位以职业为重点,课程以职业培训和发展为导向.
清晰度协议 形成正式形式的过程, written agreement that identifies a course or a group of courses offered on a "sending" campus that are comparable to, 或可接受的代替, “接收”校区的具体课程要求. Successful completion of an articulated course assures the student and the faculty that the student has taken the appropriate course, 接受必要的指导和准备, 类似的结果是可以肯定的, 使升入下一阶段的教育在接收机构.
副学士 通常需要至少2年但不超过4年的全日制大学学习的学位.
学士学位 A degree that normally requires at least 4 but not more than 5 years of full-time equivalent college-level work.
入学依据 你的录取决定所依据的证据,主要是学术证据.g.高中成绩、大学学分和平均绩点等.
B.E.A.R.S. (Bridgewater等效和衔接报告系统) B.E.A.R.S. displays courses that have previously been established as equivalent coursework from another institution. Courses not found in this database may be transferable and will be considered upon a student's application and admission to ladbrokes立博中文版. B.E.A.R.S. 仅供参考. ladbrokes立博中文版 course equivalents are subject to change upon official evaluation by the ladbrokes立博中文版 Office of 招生. The inclusion or exclusion of courses from this program does not reflect on the acceptability of the courses to ladbrokes立博中文版.
目录 规则之书, 规定, 政策, 项目, 需求, 以及大学每年开设的课程.
证书 对成功完成一项学习计划的认可, 不同长度的, 通常少于一年.
主席 一个项目或部门的负责人. “系主任”有时与“主席”同义使用.”
合作社/实习 有带薪(合作社)或无薪(实习)工作实习的制度, 通常是4到8个月, 作为获得大学学分的学习计划的一部分.
核心课程 Developed to serve as the educational foundation that all ladbrokes立博中文版 students will build on to complete their program of study. 核心课程以技能为中心, outcomes based distribution model of general education that allows students a wide choice of courses and the flexibility to integrate the 需求 of their major with the broader, 21世纪负责任的公民所需要的博雅教育.
信贷 价值:给予一门课程的价值. 可能与教学时数有关吗. 大多数学术课程都是三个学分. Associate degrees generally require 60 or more credits and 学士 degrees require 120 or more credits. ladbrokes立博中文版要求120学分.
迪安 部门或学院的负责人. 比如,教育学院院长 & 健康科学.
学位审核 的打印输出, 可于InfoBear下载, 为你提供学校认为正确的学分信息, 平均绩点(GPA), 你修过的课程, 你的成绩, 还有你需要完成的课程. 你应该仔细检查一遍,确保信息准确无误.
部门 与某一学科或项目有关的教员和管理人员.g. 社会学系).
发展课程 Instructional courses designed for students deficient in the general competencies necessary for a regular post-secondary curriculum and educational setting.
文凭 对成功完成一个学习项目的认可,通常为一年.
浸浸(双浸/三浸) 申请一门课程来满足多个学院和专业的要求.
双学位 The double major allows a student to complete all the 需求 to simultaneously earn a major in two fields. Students completing a double major receive one diploma which will be reflected on their final transcript. 最低累积平均绩点(GPA)为2.学生的专业成绩必须达到0分或以上才能毕业. 社会工作专业对专业GPA的最低要求是2.5 .毕业.
双录取 A program through which high school students may enroll in college courses while still enrolled in high school. 学生不需要申请进入学院才能参加.
学时 Earned Hours are determined by considering all transferable credit hours from accredited institutions as well as any coursework successfully completed at BSU.
选择性信用 Courses taken at another institution that do not have a specific equivalent course at ladbrokes立博中文版. 这些课程在成绩单上标明为1XX、2XX、3XX或4XX.
豁免 The waiving of a prerequisite or required course for students who have proven they have comparable learning. 学生可能被要求选修豁免课程.
金融援助 奖助金, 贷款, 助教奖学金, 奖学金, 奖学金, 学费减免, 学费折扣, 资深的好处, employer aid (tuition reimbursement) and other monies (other than from relatives/friends) provided to students to meet expenses.
GPA或平均绩点 某一学期所有学分课程的平均总成绩, 年份或机构. 累积GPA是一所学校迄今为止所有课程成绩的平均值.
InfoBear ladbrokes立博中文版学生的在线信息资源工具. 如果没有Banner ID号,InfoBear将无法ladbrokes立博中文版. InfoBear允许你注册, 删除或添加课程, 检查你的成绩单, 了解经济援助, 在线支付账单,甚至检查你的成绩.
独立的机构 由私人资金而不是国家资金支持的高等教育机构.
联合招生 如果你从联合招生项目的社区大学毕业,并且至少获得了2分.5平均绩点, you will be automatically admitted into one of ladbrokes立博中文版 ’s 联合招生 Programs. 联合招生的学生不需要写论文或支付申请费. 联合招生计划将于2014年春季逐步取消. 大众转移计划将取而代之.
低年级(或较低水平)课程 一般课程编号为100和200(例如:eng101和PSY 223), 通常构成学士学位的前两年.
主要 大约25-50%的课程属于单一学科的学位课程.g. 哲学、历史).
Mass转移 A statewide program that facilitates the transfer of students between Massachusetts institutions of higher education. mastransfer有两个主要目的:
1.) To provide community college students who complete associate degrees and enroll in linked Mass转移 Programs with the full transfer of credit, 保证录取, and a tuition discount (each based on final GPA); and
2.) To provide any student in the Massachusetts public higher education system who completes the Mass转移 Block, the benefit of satisfying the core (general education) 需求 at any other public higher education institution, 接收机构可以增加不超过六个额外学分或两门课程.
一个较小的或次要的学术专业选择的学习项目. 辅修专业要求的课程或学分比主修专业少,通常在18-21之间.
本地学生 学生是他们开始大学生涯的学校的本地人
无学分课程 课程:为学习价值而参加的课程. 成绩可能会被分配,但课程通常不适用于证书.
先决条件 一门你必须先修的课程,然后才能修这门学科更高级的课程.
公共机构 部分由国家资金支持的高等教育机构.
接收机构 你要转到的机构.
注册商 注册办公室保存学生的学业记录, 发给所有在校生和往届学生的成绩单, 管理注册和删除/添加进程, 每学期为大学目录和课程安排协调数据, 安排教室, 验证注册, 记录分数, 确认学生毕业状态, 订单文凭, 处理所有学生记录的更改和更正,包括地址, 的名字, 社会安全号码.
登记 在完成所有规定的入学程序后,注册参加个别课程的过程.
要求 为获得证书而必须参加的课程.
居住要求 The number of courses or credits (or percentage of the program) you must complete at ladbrokes立博中文版 to graduate. (BSU居住要求包括:120学分, 在BSU完成一半的专业要求, 在BSU修完最后30个学分中的15个).
派遣机构 你即将转学的机构.
研讨会 主题课程,让学生探索感兴趣的领域在一个小, 讨论型课程. The First Year Seminar (exempt if transferring in 24+ credits) is a writing intensive course designed to engage the student in college-level learning. The Second Year Seminar (exempt if transferring in 54+ credits) is either speaking or writing intensive and will engage students in the connections between classroom learning and the world.
教学大纲 主要内容的说明, 课程的组织和预期结果, 通常包括授予的学分数, 上课时间, 如何评估, 作业, 和文本.
成绩单 An official record of student performance showing all schoolwork completed at a given school and the final mark or other evaluation received in each portion of the instruction. 成绩单通常包括对学校使用的评分标准的解释.
转移 由一个机构向一个证书授予学分(转学分), 在另一所学校完成的课程或项目.
可转让信用状 Earned credit hours granted for course work completed at another accredited institution of higher education with a grade of C- or higher.
转学分评估 A printed out analyses of the articulation of all courses taken at previous institutions provided by ladbrokes立博中文版 to transfer students upon their acceptance.
转学生 A student who attends one institution (sending institution) and then transfers their coursework to another (receiving institution).
学费优惠计划 以3分毕业的学生.0 GPA or higher and are part of the Mass转移 Program are eligible to participate in the 学费优惠计划. The 学费优惠计划 allows you a reduction off in-state tuition at ladbrokes立博中文版. 当你的申请完成后,这笔扣除会自动出现在你的学费报表上.
高级部门(或高级) 300级以上课程, 通常占学士学位最后两年的大部分时间.